Une nouvelle version majeure a été publiée sur Sourceforge.
Vous pouvez la télécharger ici : http://sourceforge.net/projects/kados/files/kados_v1.6.0.zip/download
Cette version corrige 4 anomalies et ajoute ou améliore 13 fonctionnalités :
US457 – EVOL – As an SM I want to be able to set my project as public or private
US296 – EVOL – As an user I want to have others projects templates (not SCRUM) in order to use Kados for other methods or simple tasks management
US411 – EVOL – As an user, I want to be able to view backlogs or sprints contents as RSS list in order to publish contents on others sites/apps
US419 – EVOL – As a user I would like to use Feature/Epic to have a global vue (roadmap) on the progression of each US/Features
US454 – EVOL – As an user, I want to view in the US roadmap that a US is new in the column => first record in the baseline
US456 – EVOL – As an user, I want to see when an US has been put back in the Release or Product Backlog after being in a sprint (as when it is in the trash)
US387 – EVOL – As an user, I want to be able to link several issues and User Stories
US450 – EVOL – As an user I want to view the Header of board on all lines of a multiple board
US427 – EVOL – En tant qu’utilisateur de Kados, je veux que les US soient classées par ordre numérique croissant des numéros d’US dans les différents backlog et kanban
US439 – EVOL – En tant que Team member, je veux avoir mes projets filtrés par défaut et ordonnés selon la derniÚre modif que j’ai faites sur les les US et tâches
US441 – EVOL – As a PO/SM I would like to have a graph without all numbers in order to have a graph more readable
US455 – EVOL – As an user I want to have a direct access to the Kanban project-level in the project list (as the current release and sprint link)
US447 – EVOL – As an user I want to choose a theme for the App among available themes
US440 – BUG – a few bugs on US roadmap, ordering of baseline items, trash icons mixed
US444 – BUG – Nobody can change the ScrumMaster of a project
US452 – BUG – The tasks table in the project cockpit takes the deleted tasks into account
US453 – BUG – As an user I want to see in the tasks allocation screen only people that have tasks management rights (the reader is not necessary)